
Feb 27

27th of February 2017

STRADE publishes policy brief on EU raw material import flows

STRADE's policy brief 02/2017 analyses the European import flows of metals in various processing states and the connections with specific environmental and socio-economic issues in resource-rich countries.

Feb 27

27th of February 2017

STRADE publishes policy brief on minerals and metals from non-EU countries

STRADE's policy brief 01/2017 examines the role and responsibility of European institutions to positively influence the environmental and social conditions of raw materials production in non-EU countries.

Dec 30

30th of December 2016

STRADE publishes policy brief on voluntary initiatives, principles and criteria on socio-economic sustainability in mining

STRADE's policy brief 09/2016 reviews socio-economic principles and criteria in voluntary and legally non-binding initiatives with particular relevance for the ore mining sector.

Mar 11

Bo2W project: lead acid batteries from Ghana successfully recycled

11th of March 2014 by Stefanie Degreif

The first container of used lead-acid batteries from Africa has landed in Germany. The batteries were collected in Ghana through a unique cooperation and recycled in an environmentally-sound manner in Germany. Experts neutralized the battery acid and achieved a very high lead recycling rate.


Please see the detailed press release here:

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