
Mar 30

30th of March 2016

Bo2W synthesis report is now available

The final Bo2W project report is now available in English and German on the project website.

This synthesis report combines the comprehensive project activities, project outcomes, identified implementation barriers and proposals for how to overcome the barriers.

All published documents within the Bo2W project can be found here:

Jan 19

19th of January 2016

STRADE Project begins

The Horizon 2020 project Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe (STRADE) held its kickoff meeting with project core partners and EC representatives in Darmstadt, Germany. Partners discussed project goals.

Feb 18

Development of a conceptual legal framework for a federal law of resource protection

18th of February 2013 by Stefanie Degreif

Oeko-Institute finalized in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dr. Joachim Sanden and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Schomerus (Leuphana University Lüneburg) and commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency a legal study on resource protection law. This legal analysis investigates the development of a regulatory concept for a German resource protection law at federal level. It contains a definition of the term „resources“, an inventory of resource protection law at international, European and national level and an outline of a regulatory concept for a new German federal resource protection law. Part of the regulatory concept is the selection and analysis of regulatory instruments classified with regard to the effects of the instrument (i.e. command & control, planning, economic and informational approach).

The publication "Entwicklung eines Regelungskonzepts für ein Ressourcenschutzrecht des Bundes" can be found here:

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